Are you ready for the discontinuation of Windows XP?
Soon, Microsoft will no longer be offering any further development for the Windows XP operating system. Support is scheduled to end on April 8, 2014, which is now less than a month away. There's no question that the lack of Windows XP support for Microsoft's longest-running OS will have a major effect on the security legacy systems running the OS, such as ATMs and point of sale (POS) systems.
Retailers with point-of-sale systems running on Windows XP will be up against the PCI DSS Requirement 6.1 facing a lack of PCI compliance. Retailers will no longer be protected without the installation of the latest Microsoft security patches according to PCI guidelines.
According to a Bloomberg business report, roughly 85 percent of firms using XP aren't able to make the transition deadline in time. Microsoft originally planned to end XP support in 2010, but these plans were delayed until this year. However, Microsoft's warnings from four years ago did not seem to gain enough traction to lead many organizations to transition their systems in time.
Opinions have been offered about tactics that cyber criminals may use once Microsoft shuts down Windows XP updates. It's been suggested that cyber criminals may be hoarding bugs and waiting for the end of Microsoft Windows XP updates so that ATM and PCI machines can be exploited.
What’s Your Windows XP Game Plan?
Possible options include:
- Remove all Internet access by totally isolating all XP machines if that works with your business model.
- Use technologies such as terminal services or application virtualization to correct upgrade barriers.
Our CimTrak software can also be a big help, and we’ve already worked with many companies needing a last-minute solution to secure their XP systems. CimTrak has helped companies secure legacy systems for years, by instantly reversing changes to key system files.
Now, with its latest release, CimTrak offers another cutting-edge option; the ability to restrict the user or process that makes changes to operating system files. Many customers find this preferable to reversing changes as it allows known users or processes to make changes but prevents all other changes from occurring. Contact us now to learn more about how we can secure your systems running Windows XP before it is too late.

Post by
Jacqueline von Ogden
March 18, 2014
March 18, 2014
Since 1999, Jacqueline has written for corporate communications, MarCom agencies, higher education, and worked within the pharmacy, steel and retail industries. Since joining the tech industry, she has found her "home".